Another Valentine’s Day is here. There are frequently a lot of expectations and pressures placed on this day regarding how it should go. Many people dwell in the pressure, which then breeds expectations and the need to base happiness on unrealistic standards.
Is this a day you’re not really looking forward to? When it seems like everyone is ‘bae-ing’ someone, but you are single and can’t relate? Relax! We dey for you.
Whatever the interpretation of today’s events is, the primary goal of the celebration is to spread love. Although romantic love appears to be the most prominent, self-love is the greatest.
Here’s a two-step guide to not feeling left out today
Share Gifts
Giving brings far greater satisfaction than receiving. This is one of those days when you should be kind to as many people as possible. Share the love by being compassionate instead of focusing on what you lack or did not receive! Make a special effort to show someone you love them, especially if they don’t seem deserving or wouldn’t normally expect anything. Start with the stranger who appears to be in need or the beggar on your street.
Pamper Yourself
Whether you like it or not, one of the best kinds of love is ‘self love.’ Love has to start with YOU! You will never be able to love someone else if you do not love yourself. Develop your sense of self-worth; you can decide your level of happiness without anyone else’s approval. Indulge yourself today. Buy yourself gifts, treat yourself, go shopping, go on a solo trip if you’d like, and generally have a great time.
Happy Valentine’s Day from All of us at KONGA! We want you to know that we care about you in more ways than you imagine. That’s why we are constantly on the quest to give you the best experience money can buy. Here is wishing you all the love, happiness and fun things the universe has in store.
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